Thursday, February 18, 2010

Some days are harder than others...

Erin was my first best friend. Although we moved away when I was only 5, our families have had a connection for a very very long time. Luckily I got to spend a lovely few days with her and her family last year about this time when I came to visit my college.
She passed away in December, and it's hard to imagine her family now.
I don't know how my family would cope with anything like their experience,
but I am amazed at the amount of strength her parents and siblings have shown in the last years and especially weeks.

So thanks, Erin.
Thanks for being my first friend,
and for reminding me just how lucky I am to step out on the volleyball court
and just how lucky I am to have a family like yours
and just how lucky I am to live every day.

Wish I could have a setter like you in life.

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