Wednesday, February 17, 2010


I felt the time had come for my suitemates to realize the AMAZINGNESS that are beets. And the best way to eat beets is mixed in with other root veggies, of course! So we went to our local grocery store (which of course has limited organic produce, sadly) and bought carrots, beets, potatoes, olive oil (with basil! MMMMM!), an aluminum tray, and a spatula (or spatch as we call them in my family). We cut them up, threw them in the tray with oil, salt and pepper (S&P 500 as my family calls it) and put them in our sketchy oven at 400 degrees for about an hour. Using our oven is always an adventure, considering it is located in the laundry room... and is probably from the late 60s or early 70s. Luckily, we were successful in making it function!
And we promptly devoured the veggies-
one girl wants to make them EVERY DAY,
and I think I converted about 7 people to liking beets!
Plus it's one of my favorite foods.
And beet juice is pretty.

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