Saturday, August 28, 2010


6+ hours of practice a day, team activities, not enough sleep (my bed creaks every time I move and wakes me up), soreness!!! Ah, the joys of volleyball preseason!!! It makes me slow to post about other cool things I'm doing, which include reading a fantastic book about goats, visiting Carl Sandburg's birthplace, and decorating my sophomore year dorm room! So soon, when I don't have 2-a-day practices, I will get around to it!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

New silkscreens!

The drawings
Painted onto the screen with screen drawing fluid
After screen filler and a wash
The final product! On fabric.

I designed these two silkscreens to be used on shirts; the "soldier of the soil" for the front and the hands holding dirt for the back. They came out a little funky (bad choice to make silkscreens when it's hot and humid...) but I like that they look weather-beaten. Maybe if I get around to an etsy shop one of these days, we can all join the ranks of the land army by wearing this as part of our uniform, along with overalls, carhartts, or crapped up jeans. I'm almost done with a Farmerette one...

(Sorry for the poor picture quality, the weather has been ever so grey and crummy!)

Friday, August 20, 2010

Garden Haikus

One day while in our morning rotation to the art, we learned how to write haikus while sitting in the garden. The kids came up with great ones! Here are mine:


Chickens frighten me
but still their feathers in the sun
dazzle white brown black

Black eyes susans loud
yellow bright against green stem
black pupil staring

Beets are golden joy
I absolutely love them
Can I eat some now?

(for Erin)
Sunflowers growing
reaching towards the blue sky
I hope you see them

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Feeding myself, momentarily

In between camp and school, I have a week of feeding myself! So I promptly boiled some beets and made a beet, tiny carrot (thinned from the garden in Vermont), romaine, and goat cheese salad.
It twas delicious!!! I miss making food for myself. Only three years left of cafeteria food, and I am home free.


Life through another lens, trees remade.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Farewell... Farm and Wilderness for another year.
A place where I planted myself years ago, where I have grown a stem, roots, and another leaf each summer.

I've heard all the songs that the children sing
And listened to love's melodies
Felt my own music within me rise
Like wind in the autumn leave
(River by Bill Staines)