Sunday, October 4, 2009


So I have the beginnings of a bad cold. My throat is sore, my nose is a little stuffy and I'm achy. But good news is I slept 12 hours last night and have been in bed drinking fluids and taking meds and resting (while doing homework sadly) all day. Lucky for me I have a mom who packed me all the things I need when I'm sick. One of my amazing suite mates is off to get me some soup, and everyone is checking in on me once in a while. Hopefully I'll go to bed early and be up for going to classes tomorrow. Send me some good thoughts if you would!


  1. Rest and hydrate, Gretsky! xoxoxoMarmie

  2. I am sick too...just went to Health Services and got stocked up on goodies...cough drops, sudafed, etc...

    xoxo here's to feeling better.
    let me know if you want to sick-skype later...
