Sunday, November 15, 2009

Finals week

And so it has come- my first finals week of college. I have classes tomorrow, then Tuesday and Wednesday I shall be studying! Thursday I have a project presentation, and Friday I have a paper due and my Spanish exam. Saturday I have free to hang out with my friends before I say goodbye for 6 weeks!!! I head back to the Northeast on Sunday. I'm sad to be leaving. So many great people, and my classes were really awesome. But I must admit, I am TIRED. It will be nice to relax a little. I've been going non-stop this term.
But tonight will be fun- bowling with the volleyball team!
Hopefully I won't go too crazy...


  1. see you SOOOOON, chickadee!

    xoxoMarm, PPDO and Henry

  2. wishing you lots of healthy energy to get you through the week. I'm enjoying your thoughtful comments - hope you'll keep blogging during your break.
