Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The garden grows!

My dorm garden is growing! I transplanted the sunflowers and grass into larger containers (empty applesauce cups). I had two types of lettuce I wanted to try, so I used the two small pots from the sunflowers and grass, an applesauce container, and a box lined with plastic from a (industrial college strength) garbage bag to plant the leaf lettuce salad bowl variety. I used the ice cube tray from my mini-fridge as a seed tray for the other lettuce type, black seeded simpson. It works perfectly! I'll see how it goes, hopefully I'll be able to perfect dorm lettuce growing by next year!!!
Where did I get the soil, you ask? My friend who is taking a research class in the greenhouse stole some for me! Don't tell!!!

So all this is costing me it about 5 dollars, between the lettuce seed and little 1 dollar grow kits for the grass, sunflowers, and pine trees. Everything else is reused!!!

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