Friday, September 9, 2011

Sustainable Agriculture Workshops

Yesterday we went on a day-long ag. field trip. Needless to say, I was pumped. First we went to Dave Forrest's farm. He farms a whole host of things, including macadamia nuts (called "maccas" here) and bananas. He talked to us about all the problems with modern agriculture, and let us sample some amazing goldfinger bananas and macca nuts along the way. We went for a little tour, and met his two jersey cows.
Dave with his lettuces
Next we went to Djanbung Permaculture Center near Nimbin. It was fantastic. The 12 principles of permaculture are:
-Use and value renewable resources and services
-Produce no waste
-Design from patterns to details
-Intergrate rather than separate
-Use small and slow solutions
-Use and value diversity
-Use edges and value the margin
-Creatively use and respond to change
-Observe and interact
-Catch and store energy
-Obtain a yield
-Apply self-regulation and accept feedback

All of these things can be applied to life AND to agriculture. Very cool people.
Mandala student garden
Delicious lunch they made for us!

Overall, a great day! Learned lots of fun little tidbits, and saw a wallaby in the gardens. Also met the biggest turkey I had EVER SEEN.


  1. i wish there was a picture of the big turkey! sounds like a fabulous day gretta!

  2. Were you frightened???? (of the turkey)
