Friday, November 12, 2010

Feelin' Farming

Today in Soil Science we were wrapping up the term, aka why is soil important, what can we do to steward soils better, whether or not we had hope for humanity... ya know, the normal topics for an Environmental Studies class!
We discussed an article we read about organic vs. conventional farming, and my professor asked "Is anyone planning on being a farmer?"

I, of course, proudly raised my hand. No one else did. In a class of the 11 people who actually cared enough to take a class about soil science, I am the only one who plans on farming. Just makes me kinda sad that at a liberal arts school, which in my opinion is a good place for a generation of thoughtful, sustainable farmers to come from, I am the only one I know who is 100% dedicated to being a farmer. I know that it's not exactly a lucrative profession, and it's hard to ask a bunch of 18-22 year olds to make a definitive decision about what to do with their life, but COME ONE PEOPLE!!!

And it doesn't help that I love dirt so much that yesterday I felt the distinct urge to lay down on the ground and just let its energy pour into me, or hug a tree to make myself less stressed. But it was icky and rainy and that probably wouldn't have been a good idea, plus the fact that it's prime prospective student season and I don't want to scare off any high schoolers!!!

Mostly I am just having one of those why-can't-I-just-quit-school-and-farm kinda days. Yah know?

1 comment:

  1. come up with a serious alternative plan, and we'll talk. but first, get yourself through finals, ok?

    if you could see the sunshine up here and smell the fall crispness in the would be even tougher to stay away.

    just sayin'

