Thursday, June 10, 2010

Wendell Berry, again. (Shocking, I know!)

I was skimming Life is a Miracle by Wendell Berry, which I got out of the library the other day and found this little passage which I think is some good food for thought:
"Good artists are people who can stick things together so that they stay stuck. They know how to gather things into formal arrangements that are intelligible, memorable, and lasting. Good forms confer health upon the things that they gather together. Farms, families, and communities are forms of art just as are poems, paintings, and symphonies. None of these things would exist if we did not make them. We can make them either well or poorly; this choice is another thing that we make."


  1. the next segment of speaking of faith will feature wendell berry reading some of his poetry. let's figure out when it will be broadcast...and LISTEN.
