Sunday, March 28, 2010

Planting green things!

The other day I was feeling especially sad about not having anything green in my dorm. I don't really have a lot of time to care for anything, or put a lot of money into experimenting with dorm growing. Ideally I'd love to make a window box to grow things in, or get some sort of grow light, but on college campuses that tends to cause suspicion... I would feel scrutinized for growing lettuce! So at Target the other day I saw these little kits for sale for a buck each, so I figured I'd see how they do and then try to scale up: sunflowers, grass, and a tree, which happens to be spruce. So today I planted the seeds and put them by the window. GOOD LUCK LITTLE GREEN THINGS! Next attempt: lettuce in applesauce containers.


  1. the parsley has popped up and the garlic too, at a "bit of earth". this is the hard part of gardening...the p word...patience. LOVE your little garden and your new header. xo

  2. Hi Gretta. Sometimes it's easy to be an "accidental" gardener...i felt much the same as you did back (in the stone ages) when i was a freshman at Oberlin, especially since Ohio winters are so long and grey and the land is so flat. I had at least half a grapefruit with breakfast every morning and started saving the seeds and popping them into a pot of soil. I ended up with 6 little grapefruit trees on my windowsill! No growlights, no special care, just a bit of water when i remembered. They added a nice glossy greenness to my world!
